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Grant Funding Application Process

The Northampton Area Konkrete Kids Educational Foundation accepts Grant Funding Applications from teachers, staff, and administrators, and all are encouraged to apply. 


A. Grant Funding Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


  1. Enhancement or enrichment of the current approved Northampton Area School District curriculum.

  2. Innovative or inventive presentation of the subject matter.

  3. Potential benefits for a wide range of students.

  4. Possible impact on other staff members, the school, and/or District.

  5. Measurable educational benefits.

  6. Financial soundness.

  7. Quality of planning exhibited in the proposal’s narrative: Organization, detailed program description, cost estimates, and description of methods that will be used to meet objectives.


B. District administrators and the Northampton Area Konkrete Kids Educational Foundation Board will carefully review all Grant Funding Applications. The Foundation will formally notify by email all applicants and their respective school principals of the status of their proposal. At that time the Foundation will also indicate the amount of money that will be allocated for the accepted Grant Applications.

Foundation Board Members

Claudia Shulman, President

Aaron Schisler, Vice President

Paulette Fritz, Treasurer

Beth Schisler, Secretary

Darrell Crook

Martin Fella

Lawrence Oberly 
Kristen Pittman

David Shulman

Tim Tepes

Nonvoting Members 

Joe Kovalchik, Superintendent

Michelle Schoeneberger, Assistant Superintendent

John Becker, School Board Representative

Jamie Horvath, Teacher Liaison

Contact Us



Northampton Area Konkrete Kids
Educational Foundation 
PO Box 154, Northampton, PA 18067

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